For the Joy

We're a creative team based in Columbia, SC. We specialize in videography. However, our joy for creating overflows into the realms of photography and writing as well.

The Brothers

Reid McCandless

I've been creating in one way or another since my earliest years. The opportunity to create for a living is a blessing I couldn't have imagined as a kid and I am beyond thankful for each day I get to to do this.

Nothing gets me more excited than hearing ideas from my clients and brainstorming how to make them a reality. the process of seeing something form from an invisible idea, living only in one's mind, to a visual or even physical object (in a printed photograph) is one of may favorite experiences life has too offer.

Apart from that though, I love hanging out with my wife and two girls, gardening, running, and writing.

I'm in love with Storytelling in all its forms. Just the general concept of Story sets my mind spinning with thoughts and ideas. In the writing section of this website you can find many of my musings.